Senior communities, residents do what they can to respect the planet

Linda Womack worries about plastic trash. She’s heard about the island of plastic waste floating in the Pacific Ocean that’s bigger than the state of Texas, polluting the water and ensnaring marine life. She doesn’t want to make it worse, so she recycles whatever plastic she can. 

The process is made easier because the retirement community where she lives, Lexington Square of Lombard, has a robust recycling program. A committee of residents educates newcomers about how to recycle. Bins for recycling are available on each floor of the six-story building. 

“I like that Lexington Square puts an emphasis on recycling,” says Womack, who has previously participated in clean-ups along the DuPage River. “I want the world we leave behind for the next generation to be clean and healthy.”

As more residents show concern for the environment, a growing number of retirement communities are going “green.” The communities are introducing everything from efficient energy systems to “green” roofs that help keep the buildings cool. 

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